The Generational Transition- From Hardcopy To Digital Publishing

After the trend of activities in recent times, there is no denying the fact that gradually the hardcopy mode of publication is giving way to the digital way of publishing materials, books and other artefacts that contain information. Why this gradual transition? One may ask. Well…This is simply because most writers finds it pleasing, more reaching and a fast way of knowledge sharing both locally and globally.

In a research article published by, a part read that “eLearning has become something of a must-have for US-corporations (as well as for companies globally). Indicating that most people find e-reading more pleasing today. So Looking at some huge impact eLearning has chalked in the lives of readers, can an author really afford not to join in this trend?

Right from the early days (from the year 1045) Publishing became a reality when writing became an impactful activity and this activity became more practical when the possibility of printing was realized. As writings were published by printing, the need for the transformation of these write-ups into a book became appreciated. And as the world advances digital activities are being appreciated.

So dear authors, developing your presence online on Africa’s largest online digital self-publishing platform exposes you to a wider range of audience in Africa and beyond. Giving you recognition locally and internationally. Indeed, time with digital media has displaced time once spent reading a hardcopy book or watching TV. Get on board, take a walk with us. You readers get to enjoy you digitally.

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