We have heard over and over, again and again, that besides Salvation, Relationship is the next major circle of life. Hence, we must be extra careful in that aspect. In that, it is to be enjoyed not endured. Any mistakes could lead to a lifelong struggle, as it were. However, the societal and religious systems of today seem to rush individuals into relationships without adequate preparation.
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The Ill-Informed Expectations of a Relationship:
the “Savior” Syndrom.
Some individuals, especially ladies, assume that once they enter into a relationship, they’d have some needs met. This is a common mentality held by many young ladies who have not been well informed, so to say. A relationship is seen as a place to get all that one couldn’t get or was deprived of by his or her parents. In such cases, less work is done before one begins a relationship and mostly such relationships are just for fun. For a serious relationship, one has to prepare spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and financially.
the “Pressure” Syndrom
Another thing that forces individuals to enter into untimely relationships is pressure. Pressure here could be in the form of words, gestures, and scenes. The age limit as the expectation of society for one to hook up is one major pressure. As such, many easily fall victims to this and in the end, some are either displaced in life or they displace other people. Rushing into a relationship could affect spiritual order.
lack of purpose
Again, some individuals, especially guys, think once a lady is seen single, they must at all cost fill the gap immediately before someone overtakes them, as it were. This overtaking game has led many into unwanted and unprepared relationships. Some guys indulge in this just to prove their manliness. However, that is a perverse meaning of masculinity. Why rush to fill a vacuum when not ready? Can’t one believe if she was single before I met her she’ll be single until I am ready?
Relationship, as important as it is should not be entered hurriedly. We must do all we can to overcome these agents of relational rush and prepare adequately for our relationships. Do we think the loving God will institute something just for us to enter into it and endure? Let’s take our time and get the best out of it.
‘Relationship is to be enjoyed not endured’
Baldwin Duodu Kwatia