Lost In Galaxies…
Mountain swallows the light of the sun,
As twilight paints the earth in brown,
Crescent moon like ‘shepherd’ guides the earth,
When swams dip in the marine for a holy bath.
As waves dance amid the rhythm of the zephyr,
I deeply converse with those twinkling stars,
Glittering in the profoundity of the azure sky,
I conceal my feelings behind my heart in shy.
Angels shaped clouds float in the depth of the air,
And in adoration it fondles my unkept hair,
Coyly I stare at every silver lining cloud,
Gently caressing my unbeaten thought.
Lights in Pho Chhu and Mo Chhu dance at night,
Decorating the holy valleys and hills with lights,
I keep gazing at the sensual bath of light from window,
Whilst flowers kiss me deeply from the emarald meadow.
Moon hides behind the cloud and I seek for her,
But all over again I fall in love with the star,
She bewitches my heart in a minute of time,
And for eons of time I gaze her love in the marine.
Spilling stars and I play hide and seek,
Whilst moon dances on the top of the peak,
Envying my love for those tiny stars,
She floats and flies in the distance afar.
I for eternity keep staring in the depth of an ocean,
Falling in love with galaxies amid fleeting emotions,
I keep my spirit high in the shallow night,
Dating with marine and sensuality of the lights.
© Bagawath Bhandari